The Journey Begins! Foundational Steps for Women Kickstarting their Careers

Embarking on a career journey is both exciting and overwhelming, especially for women seeking to make their mark in the professional world.ย 

The path ahead may seem unclear, but fear not, for this blog post is here to guide you through the foundational steps that will set you on the road to success.ย 

Whether you have a clear vision of your dream job or are still exploring your passions, these essential tips will help you kickstart your career with confidence and purpose.

So, fasten your seatbelts, and get ready to take the first step towards a fulfilling and rewarding professional life.

1. Define your passions and interests

Understanding your strengths and values is key, but reflecting on what you are actually interested in โ€“ what makes you tick? โ€“ is conducive to establishing which vocation you could potentially be spending the rest of your life in.ย 

Your career is your livelihood, if you have the option to do something you enjoy, do it!

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2. Itemize your experience

I like to fully revamp my CV at least once a year, with updates that suit my experience and evolving flair; change the design, play around with the formatting, review your skill set, look for gaps and add in any added experiencesโ€ฆand if youโ€™re anything like me, check your spelling! Employers really appreciate a clear, concise, and coherent CV.

Pinterest is a really great tool to get design ideas, and ChatGPT can help with evaluating content. In some cases, itโ€™s also worth tailoring your CV to match certain job criteria, just as you would a cover letter.

When was the last time you updated your CV?

3. Compare your interests and experience with different careers

Research, research, research! Check out LinkedIn, YouTube, Indeed, and write-down\save any jobs that you find interesting.ย 

Match up that list with your skill set and whittle the number of vocations down to 2 or 3, and again, research, research, research! You may not even know your dream job exists yet โ€“ I found mine on a TedTalk!

4. Seek mentorship

Whatever your age or profession, it is always okay ask for help or guidance when you feel you need it.ย 

Reach out and network with other successful women, you can find people online (LinkedIn is great!) and track the journeys of those you find inspiring โ€“ for me, this is Grace Beverly, a young female entrepreneur. You can also find people through blogs just like this one!

5. Gain practical experience

Are there any gaps in your CV with regards to your now-established career prospects?ย 

If so, perhaps look at shadowing a friend or family member if their line of work is relevant, and/or look into doing some volunteering in local or national organisations, itโ€™s great for society, and shows you have a selfless and vested interest in the field.

6. Always keep learning

There are thousands of online course (see LinkedIn, Coursera, Skillshare), and thereโ€™s a YouTube tutorial for everything if youโ€™re looking for a free alternative. In our rapidly evolving society and job markets, making the effort to continually advance your skill set is more important than ever!

You can also implement daily brainteasers; thereโ€™s Crosswords, Sudoku, Wordle, Digits, Chess, and Riddles. And as a book worm myself, I always recommend making time to read for 10-minutes every day. Boost your IQ, memory, and conversation starters!

You did it!

Congratulations! Youโ€™ve now laid the groundwork for a successful and fulfilling career journey and have equipped yourself with the tools needed to thrive in the professional world. Remember that every journey is unique, and itโ€™s okay to encounter bumps along the way.

Stay open to growth, embrace challenges, and never stop believing in your abilities. Your journey has just begun, and the possibilities are endless.

ProspHER can support you in evolving your story and progressing professionally with passion, purpose and power โ€“ find out how here.

This article was researched and written by Bronte Littlewood, Freelance writer at ProspHER.

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